Quang Minh Vu

Data Scientist, FPT Telecom, Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam | Bachelor Degree of Computer Science, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam


Motivative Researcher

Vinhomes Grand Park

My name is Quang (Vũ Minh Quang), I grew up in Vung Tau, Vietnam 🇻🇳. I would rather being called by my nickname: Henry Quang

I’m a graduate Computer Science student at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology on 2022. Experience through fundamental subjects ranging from Computer Architecture, Data Structures and Algorithms, Statistics upto interesing ones likes: Cryptographic, Principle of Programming Language, Machine Learning, etc.. The title of my thesis is “Development of the Deep Learning Models for Depression Diagnoses”

I’m currently working at FPT Telecom as a Data Scientist from August 2022 (aprox. 1yr 8mos). I helped build a Python package consists of end-to-end LLMs and modern AI systems to clean/format customer profile infomation such as Vietnamese names, phones, emails, card numbers, addresses, etc. I also build an end-to-end website for labelling medical reports for Long Chau medical store long-chau-labelling.

Currently, I’m fascinate with Abstract Algebra and Automated Trading 💸, so you will probaly see me working on these most of the time.

I am looking to apply to PhD programs for Fall 2024.

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